General information about company

Scrip code500215
Date of start of financial year01-04-2022
Date of end of financial year31-03-2023
Reporting QuarterQuarterly
Date of Report30-06-2022
Risk management committeeApplicable
Market Capitalisation as per immediate previous Financial YearTop 1000 listed entities

Annexure I

Annexure I to be submitted by listed entity on quarterly basis

I. Composition of Board of Directors

Disclosure of notes on composition of board of directors explanatoryTextual Information(1)
Whether the listed entity has a Regular ChairpersonYes
Whether Chairperson is related to MD or CEONo
SrTitle (Mr / Ms)Name of the DirectorPANDINCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsCategory 3 of directors Date of BirthWhether special resolution passed? [Refer Reg. 17(1A) of Listing Regulations]Date of passing special resolutionInitial Date of appointmentDate of Re-appointmentDate of cessationTenure of director (in months)No of Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 17A of Listing Regulations)No of Independent Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 17A(1) of Listing RegulationsNumber of memberships in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee(s) including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations)No of post of Chairperson in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee held in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations)Notes for not providing PANNotes for not providing DIN
1MrJAMES PATRICK KINNERKZZZZZ9999Z08773594Non-Executive - Non Independent DirectorChairperson28-07-1957NA23-07-20201000Textual Information(2)
2MrPEDRO LABAYEN DE INZAZZZZZ9999Z09576297Non-Executive - Non Independent DirectorNot Applicable07-12-1968NA28-04-20221000Textual Information(3)
3MrLT GEN D B SINGHANAPS8488D00239637Non-Executive - Independent DirectorNot Applicable03-05-1941Yes17-07-201917-07-201417-07-2019951122
4MrSANJAYA KULKARNIAAEPK5942R00102575Non-Executive - Independent DirectorNot Applicable30-05-1949NA17-07-201417-07-2019953341

I. Composition of Board of Directors

Disclosure of notes on composition of board of directors explanatory

Whether the listed entity has a Regular Chairperson

SrTitle (Mr / Ms)Name of the DirectorPANDINCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsCategory 3 of directors Date of BirthWhether special resolution passed? [Refer Reg. 17(1A) of Listing Regulations]Date of passing special resolutionInitial Date of appointmentDate of Re-appointmentDate of cessationTenure of director (in months)No of Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 17A of Listing Regulations)No of Independent Directorship in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 17A(1) of Listing RegulationsNumber of memberships in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee(s) including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations)No of post of Chairperson in Audit/ Stakeholder Committee held in listed entities including this listed entity (Refer Regulation 26(1) of Listing Regulations)Notes for not providing PANNotes for not providing DIN
5MrARUN BEWOORAAAPB9170E00024276Non-Executive - Independent DirectorNot Applicable06-09-1942Yes17-07-201917-07-201417-07-2019952262
6MrNARENDRA AMBWANIAEIPA8788F00236658Non-Executive - Independent DirectorNot Applicable15-11-1948NA17-07-201417-07-2019954471
7MsVEENA VISHINDAS GIDWANIAACPG4600J06890544Non-Executive - Independent DirectorNot Applicable26-01-1950NA17-07-201417-07-2019951120
8MrSACHIN GOPALAAPPG5042B07439079Executive DirectorNot Applicable30-01-1960NA01-07-201601-07-20211000

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Textual Information(1)
The initial Date of appointment of following Indepenent Directors is as below before getting appointed for the first term of 5 years under Companies Act 2013
Sr   Name                                        Initial date of appointment
1    Lt Gen D B Singh                      26 March 2002
2    Mr Sanjaya Kulkarni                 11 January 2005
3    Mr Arun Bewoor                      21 October 2009
4    Mr Narendra Ambwani             06 April 2011
5    Ms Veena Vishnidas Gidwani    14 June 2014
Textual Information(2)
Textual Information(3)

Audit Committee Details

Whether the Audit Committee has a Regular ChairpersonYes
SrDIN NumberName of Committee membersCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsDate of Appointment Date of CessationRemarks
100239637LT GEN D B SINGHNon-Executive - Independent DirectorChairperson26-03-2002
200102575SANJAYA KULKARNINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember20-01-2005
300024276ARUN BEWOORNon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember21-10-2009
400236658NARENDRA AMBWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember06-04-2011
506890544VEENA VISHINDAS GIDWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-07-2014
609576297PEDRO LABAYEN DE INZANon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember28-04-2022

Nomination and remuneration committee

Whether the Nomination and remuneration committee has a Regular ChairpersonYes
SrDIN NumberName of Committee membersCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsDate of Appointment Date of CessationRemarks
108773594JAMES PATRICK KINNERKNon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember23-07-2020
200239637LT GEN D B SINGHNon-Executive - Independent DirectorChairperson12-05-2004
300102575SANJAYA KULKARNINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember20-01-2005
400024276ARUN BEWOORNon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember21-10-2009
500236658NARENDRA AMBWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember06-04-2011
606890544VEENA VISHINDAS GIDWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-07-2014
709576297PEDRO LABAYEN DE INZANon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember28-04-2022

Stakeholders Relationship Committee

Whether the Stakeholders Relationship Committee has a Regular ChairpersonYes
SrDIN NumberName of Committee membersCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsDate of Appointment Date of CessationRemarks
100239637LT GEN D B SINGHNon-Executive - Independent DirectorChairperson26-03-2002
200102575SANJAYA KULKARNINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember20-01-2005
300024276ARUN BEWOORNon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember21-10-2009
400236658NARENDRA AMBWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember06-04-2011
506890544VEENA VISHINDAS GIDWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-07-2014

Risk Management Committee

Whether the Risk Management Committee has a Regular ChairpersonYes
SrDIN NumberName of Committee membersCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsDate of Appointment Date of CessationRemarks
108773594JAMES PATRICK KINNERKNon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember23-07-2020
209576297PEDRO LABAYEN DE INZANon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember28-04-2022
300239637LT GEN D B SINGHNon-Executive - Independent DirectorChairperson17-10-2014
400102575SANJAYA KULKARNINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-10-2014
500024276ARUN BEWOORNon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-10-2014
600236658NARENDRA AMBWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-10-2014
706890544VEENA VISHINDAS GIDWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-10-2014
807439079SACHIN GOPALExecutive DirectorMember17-10-2014

Corporate Social Responsibility Committee

Whether the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee has a Regular ChairpersonYes
SrDIN NumberName of Committee membersCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsDate of Appointment Date of CessationRemarks
108773594JAMES PATRICK KINNERKNon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember23-07-2020
209576297PEDRO LABAYEN DE INZANon-Executive - Non Independent DirectorMember28-04-2022
300239637LT GEN D B SINGHNon-Executive - Independent DirectorChairperson22-04-2014
400102575SANJAYA KULKARNINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember22-04-2014
500024276ARUN BEWOORNon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember22-04-2014
600236658NARENDRA AMBWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember22-04-2014
706890544VEENA VISHINDAS GIDWANINon-Executive - Independent DirectorMember17-07-2014

Other Committee

SrDIN NumberName of Committee membersName of other committeeCategory 1 of directorsCategory 2 of directorsRemarks

Annexure 1

IV. Meeting of Committees

Disclosure of notes on meeting of committees explanatory
SrName of CommitteeDate(s) of meeting (Enter dates of Previous quarter and Current quarter in chronological order)Maximum gap between any two consecutive (in number of days)Name of other committeeReson for not providing dateWhether requirement of Quorum met (Yes/No)Number of Directors present* (All directors including Independent Director)No. of Independent Directors attending the meeting*
1Audit Committee19-01-2022Yes55
2Audit Committee27-04-202297Yes55
3Stakeholders Relationship Committee20-01-2022Yes55
4Stakeholders Relationship Committee28-04-2022Yes55
5Corporate Social Responsibility Committee28-04-2022Yes65
6Nomination and remuneration committee28-04-2022Yes65

Annexure 1

V. Related Party Transactions

SrSubjectCompliance status (Yes/No/NA)If status is “No” details of non-compliance may be given here.
1Whether prior approval of audit committee obtainedYes
2Whether shareholder approval obtained for material RPTNA
3Whether details of RPT entered into pursuant to omnibus approval have been reviewed by Audit CommitteeYes
Disclosure of notes on related party transactions Textual Information(1)

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Textual Information(1)
There have been no material Related Party Transactions for which the approval of shareholders is required.

Annexure 1

VI. Affirmations

SrSubjectCompliance status (Yes/No)
1The composition of Board of Directors is in terms of SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015Yes
2The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 a. Audit CommitteeYes
3The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. b. Nomination & remuneration committeeYes
4The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. c. Stakeholders relationship committeeYes
5The composition of the following committees is in terms of SEBI(Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015. d. Risk management committee (applicable to the top 500 listed entities)Yes
6The committee members have been made aware of their powers, role and responsibilities as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.Yes
7The meetings of the board of directors and the above committees have been conducted in the manner as specified in SEBI (Listing obligations and disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015.Yes
8This report and/or the report submitted in the previous quarter has been placed before Board of Directors.Yes
9Any comments/observations/advice of Board of Directors may be mentioned here:Textual Information(1)

Annexure 1

SrSubjectCompliance status
1Name of signatoryJYOTI CHAWLA
2DesignationCompany Secretary and Compliance Officer

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Textual Information(1)
The report will be put before the Board of Directors for their review, information and comments thereoon at the forthcoming meeting to be held on 20th July, 2022

Signatory Details

Name of signatoryJYOTI CHAWLA
Designation of personCompany Secretary and Compliance Officer